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What Happens To Your Body When You Start Eating Honey

From Winnie the Pooh to Shaggy and Scooby-Doo, honey has been a beloved treat for both fictional characters and real people alike. While its delicious sweetness is universally appreciated, honey also offers numerous health benefits.

Produced by bees from flower nectar, honey is more than just a natural sweetener. It has been revered for its nutritional and medicinal properties since ancient times, even being considered the "food of the Gods."

Before we delve into the benefits of consuming honey, it's important to note that this article has been fact-checked and reviewed by qualified health professionals. So let's explore what happens to your body when you start eating honey daily.

1. It Sweetens Your Days

Honey is a rich source of energy and antioxidants. While it is a type of sugar, it is considered healthier than white sugar. Adding honey to your coffee, tea, or yogurt can replace plain sugar, thus avoiding its damaging effects. However, note that honey can also spike blood sugar levels, so moderation is key. Honey is also effective in soothing burns and wounds.

Note: If you have children under one year, refrain from giving them honey as it can cause botulism—a rare but severe illness caused by toxins from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

2. You Will Sleep Better

If you're struggling to get quality sleep, honey could be your new best friend. Consuming honey before bedtime can aid in the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone. This is particularly helpful for those who find it difficult to disconnect from digital devices or high-stress tasks before bed.

3. You Will Learn Faster

Honey has shown promise in enhancing brain function. Studies suggest it can reduce oxidative stress, improve memory, and even slow down age-related cognitive decline. Daily consumption of honey could help you stay alert and focused.

4. You Will Be More Relaxed

If you're dealing with stress or anxiety, honey could be a dietary addition worth considering. Its quick absorption into the bloodstream can ease anxiety and other psychological disorders. Some studies on rats have even indicated that honey has antidepressant effects.

5. It Soothes a Sore Throat and Coughing

Honey is a popular remedy for soothing sore throats and treating colds. Research suggests it's more effective than some over-the-counter cough medicines, and it can even improve sleep quality for children suffering from colds.

6. Improve Your Gut Health

Raw honey acts as a prebiotic, facilitating healthy digestion by nurturing beneficial gut bacteria. Studies on mice have shown its potential in healing the gut lining and reducing toxin build-up.

7. It Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Honey has demonstrated potential in reducing bad cholesterol levels. This is largely attributed to its potent antioxidant properties.

8. It Strengthens Your Heart

Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide. Honey, with its antioxidants, has shown promise in reducing risks associated with heart health, including high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

10. You'll Get a Good Portion of Antioxidants and Nutrients

Quality, unprocessed honey is rich in bioactive plant compounds, including phenolic acids and flavonoids. These antioxidants can slow down premature aging and reduce the risk of diseases like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


Whether it's the taste, the energy boost, or the health benefits, there's no denying that honey is a versatile food that can enhance your well-being. By integrating honey into your daily routine, you're not only sweetening your day but also enriching your health and wellness.

So go ahead, make like Winnie the Pooh and dip into that honey jar—your body will thank you!